i didn't know away messages could be this long
I'm not mad at you, i'm mad at myself for believeing you were someone you're not... For believing you'd always be there for me; Well, the trust is... You're not.-Someday you'll look back on this, and realize what a great thing you had but chose to forget. The great thing that stuck around, no matter what you told him, things that would have made any other guy run away blind. The guy who never would have lied to you, or cheated on you, the same guy that you shared so much in common with. You'll look back, and be lonely and think about how great it could have been, and I'll be off somewhere with someone who could appreciate me, and you won't even be a thought in my head. I hope that someday you find a great guy, because you desereve the best. Someone who will love you and respect you for you; but chances are you won't. You won't because you push all the great ones away, and pick the ones who just see how beautiful you are, and don't bother to see anything else beyond that. The same guys who just want in your pants, but best of luck to you. Someday you will see that it's easy to love someone, but you'll only be in love with a person who treats you right... not only when he fears losing you to someone he knows will... but all the time.